Treasures New and Old

And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” Matt 13: 52 NRSVCE

That is what meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary is like. One trip through the Rosary yields insights. The next time through, there are fresh ones. Over time they accumulate in the memory and together yield yet newer treasures.

I think that is the basis of “favorite Mysteries” of the Rosary. They are the ones where we have large accumulations of treasure, and Jesus did say that where our treasure was our heart would be  too!

Mysteries of The Rosary

Wonders and miracles. That’s what mysteries are.

A mystery, such as in a “mystery novel” is what we usually think of when we hear the word “Mystery.” We think of a mystery as something to figure out. While there is that aspect to some mysteries it is not the case with all.

Mysteries where the Rosary is concerned are wonders, such as the Grand Canyon, the stars in the sky, the beauty of growing things, the Love of God, or the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Those are things that can be appreciated, and yet they are overwhelming in their scope, and so; wondrous, miraculous! But also, though they may stretch your mind, they are not things you can “figure out” as you can with a riddle.

There are twenty mysteries of the Rosary.

That is enough to keep you in awe for quite a while!

How long does it take to say a Rosary?

Pretty long. It depends.

That kind of an answer is not helpful for the purpose of scheduling.

If you pray a whole Rosary it can take an hour if you go really fast, or a day if you take your time.

Most people don’t pray an entire Rosary at one time. Most do only a part, and many only do a part of a part.

So, for some people, they only do a few minutes at a time, and for others it may be an hour or more.

It is your prayer to your God, so your desire, your schedule, and your interest have a lot to do with how much time you wish to spend on it, and from time to time, God may direct you to spend more or less time than you might plan on your own.

So, it depends.